Seed, Feeder, and Book Sale
February 1, 2025
Lawrence Bird Alliance will hold a late winter seed sale 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 1, at the Senior Resource Center, 745 Vermont, Lawrence. All proceeds support our educational and conservation projects. We will have a great selection of bird seed, plus many new books, feeders and bird-related gift items for the holidays.
If you can, please pre-order your seed by Jan. 27 so we can be sure to buy enough. But if you can't, don't worry - we will have extra. Come to the sale and make your purchases there.
Click the button below to download the PDF with seed prices. Then email your order to Pam Chaffee by 5 p.m. Monday, Jan. 27. Let Pam know if you want to prepay by credit card and we will send you a link to our secure payment site. Otherwise, you can pay at the sale. Bring a check (made out to Lawrence Bird Alliance) or credit card with you when you pick up your order.
Thanks for supporting Lawrence Bird Alliance!
Seed Preferences of Our Backyard Birds

Black Oil Sunflower Seeds are loved by wild birds. Over 40 different bird species are known to eat black oil sunflower seeds. The oil content (over 40%) makes this seed especially nutritious for birds.
Premium Blend is our mixture of 45% black oil sunflower, 45% safflower, and 10% sunflower chips. Economy Blend is less expensive but still appeals to many species. It is our mixture of 20% black oil sunflower seed, 40% cracked corn, and 40% white millet.
Niger Thistle and Sunflower Seed Chips are both excellent for finch feeders & draw finches and pine siskins.
Finch Mix is an option for finch feeders. It consists of 50% Niger thistle and 50% sunflower seed chips.
Safflower has become an increasingly popular bird food because it is well-liked by cardinals, rose-breasted grosbeaks, chickadees, nuthatches, mourning doves, house finches and white-throated sparrows. House sparrows and starlings don’t seem to like it, though! Even squirrels rarely eat safflower seeds.
White and Red Millet attract wild birds like bobwhites, cardinals, doves, purple finches, juncos, and native sparrows (i.e. chipping, fox, song, tree, white-throated), towhees, turkeys, grackles, blue jays and pheasants. White millet can be scattered on the ground or offered in cylindrical or tray feeders near the ground.
Suet is chopped or ground animal fat (generally beef) that may be mixed with birdseed and/or peanut butter. Woodpeckers, chickadees, brown creepers, and nuthatches (among other birds) particularly enjoy suet. Suet melts and turns rancid in temperatures above 70oF, so it should only be offered during cooler months.
Peanuts entice many of the same birds that eat black oil sunflower seeds especially woodpeckers and nuthatches. Special bird feeders may be required.
Cracked Corn is eaten by many of the birds listed above, including some “undesirables” such as house sparrows, brown-headed cowbirds, and starlings. It can be mixed with white millet and scattered on the ground during fall and spring to feed migrant sparrows, juncos and other ground-feeding birds.

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