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Annual Birdathon

May 11 & 12, 2024
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Our annual Birdathon is back! Please join us for the Lawrence Bird Alliance’s resurrection of our annual Birdathon fundraiser. Birdathon is like a walkathon except participants count bird species instead of miles. Sponsors (that's you, us, everyone!) make a pledge to donate 25¢, 50¢ or more for each bird species on our chapter list. The chapter list is a compilation of all the species seen by chapter birders on their Birdathon day – all birders are invited to add to the list! The last time we held Birdathon we counted 130 species.

This year, funds raised by Birdathon are earmarked for the purchase of a new spotting scope. Lawrence Bird Alliance provides 35 field trips a year. These trips are provided free to the public by an ornithologist, Roger Boyd, Professor Emeritus, Baker  University. A spotting scope allows participants on the trip excellent views of birds that they would otherwise not be able to see and is essential to our educational mission. LBA’s present scope is a KOWA with a 50 mm lens and is over 40 years old and in poor shape. The eye-piece is not adaptable to many people. The new proposed scope, Swarovski Optik HD-ATS-80, with a 20X60 eye-piece, is a much better quality 80mm lens. It is much brighter and has a 45-degree angled eye-piece that is adaptable to just about everyone The spotting scope plus case is $3,817. When you attend a field trip, you will have the chance to see birds in amazing detail with this spotting scope!


Here's how you can participate:

  • To be a birder on May 11-12 and pledge by number of species, email Roger Boyd.

  • If you prefer to donate a set amount rather than pledging per species, please click the PayPal link below, or mail a check to Lawrence Bird Alliance, PO Box 3741, Lawrence KS 66046. (Put Birdathon in the memo line.)


 We are grateful for any amount you can manage! Thanks for your support!

Prothonotary Warbler by Matthew Pimm/Audubon Photography Awards

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