Educational Presentations
All presentations will begin at 7:00 pm. All events are free and open to all. See the descriptions below for details about how to participate. Unless otherwise noted, programs will be held in person at the Baker Wetlands Discovery Center in Lawrence. Virtual presentations will be on Zoom.
Updates to the program schedule will be posted on our Facebook page .
Native Gardening for Backyard Birds
Nicole Stanton-Wilson | March 24
Learn which Kansas native plants are most likely to attract birds to your backyard AND are well-behaved in more formal/maintained landscapes. Grassland Heritage Foundation will discuss approaches to gardening with natives to increase backyard birds’ use of your space with suggestions for specific plant species and combinations to enhance overall habitat while also helping to preserve native plant diversity. Learn how to purchase these plants through GHF’s native plant sales as well as other local organizations’ sales.
Birding in Cuba
Ariel Sanchez Perez | April 28
Just a 75-minute flight from Miami, Florida, brings you to the tropical island of Cuba where you can find more than 400 bird species, with 27 endemic species that are found only in Cuba. For over 20 years, Cuban native Ariel Sanchez Perez has been leading tours to these natural areas. He will take us on a virtual tour of where some of our Kansas birds might be spending the winter, and tell us how we can visit Cuba also.
Birding in the Southeast
Jim Bresnahan | May 26
Join Jim for a photographic exploration of the natural history and wildlife of the Southeast coastal area including the beach, salt marsh, cypress swamps and maritime forests.
Monarch Watch Update
Dena Podrebarac | August 25
Dena will bring us up to date about the latest efforts at the organization to educate the public and preserve monarch butterflies and their migration.
Game Night!
September 22
Following up on last year’s very successful event, this event will feature bird charades, bird-related board games, and other avian shenanigans for all ages.
Native Lands Restoration Collaborative Update
Courtney Masterson | October 27
Native Lands Restoration Collaborative (NLRC) director Courtney Masterson will update attendees about her group’s latest efforts in northeast Kansas. Through community education, NLRC empowers diverse land stewards to protect and restore resilient native ecosystems.
Farming With Birds Rather than Against Them
Paul Johnson and Joy Lominska | November 24
Paul Johnson and Joy Lominska, founding growers with Rolling Prairie Farmer’s Alliance, Lawrence’s first Community-Supported Agriculture program, will speak about the group’s long-term commitment to growing with the lives of other beings—including birds—and their habitats in mind.

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